Проблема потери фокуса для TEdit
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Проблема потери фокуса для TEdit[править | править код]
To Reproduce the Problem:
1. Drop two TEdits onto a form.
2. In the OnExit Event of Edit1 add the following code:
Application.MessageBox('Title', '...', mb_ok);
3. Run the application.
4. First select Edit1 then Edit2
5. The Message box is shown. Click the OK button, and the Caret has dissapeared!
6. How to handle this:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Exit(Sender: TObject);
Application.MessageBox('qq', 'qq', mb_ok);
if Assigned(ActiveControl) then
PostMessage(ActiveControl.Handle, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
Language: en
Source: Взято с сайта: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch
ID: 00974