MS Binder
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Opening Binder (early binding)[править | править код]
Before you can use this method, you must have imported the type library (MSBdr8.olb for Binder 97).
One way of starting Binder is to try the GetActiveObject call, to get a running instance of Binder, but put a call to CoApplication.Create in an except clause. But except clauses are slow, and can cause problems within the IDE for people who like Break On Exceptions set to True. The following code removes the need for a try...except clause, by avoiding using OleCheck on GetActiveObject in the case when Binder is not running.
uses Windows, ComObj, ActiveX, OfficeBinder_TLB;
Binder: _Binder;
AppWasRunning: Boolean; // tells you if you can close Binder when you've finished
Unknown: IUnknown;
Result: HResult;
AppWasRunning := False;
Result := GetActiveObject(CLASS_Binder, nil, Unknown);
if (Result = MK_E_UNAVAILABLE) then
Binder := CoBinder.Create
{ make sure no other error occurred during GetActiveObject }
OleCheck(Unknown.QueryInterface(_Binder, Binder));
AppWasRunning := True;
Binder.Visible := True;
Without using the type library[править | править код]
Automation is so much easier and faster using type libraries (early binding) that you should avoid managing without if at all possible. But if you really can't, here's how to get started:
Binder: Variant;
Binder := GetActiveOleObject('Office.Binder');
Binder := CreateOleObject('Office.Binder');
Binder.Visible := True;
How to close Binder[править | править код]
Here's the quick version:
Binder.Close(False, '');
The first parameter determines whether changes to the open binder will be saved before closing. If you use EmptyParam for this parameter, the user will be asked whether to save if appropriate.
The second parameter is for the name the binder should be given when it is saved, if it hasn't already been given a name. If the binder has already been saved, this parameter is ignored.
Language: en
ID: 04472